

Your Donations are important

You can help make a difference by donating to the Scunthorpe Central Mosque.

We rely on your kind donations to help continue running the mosque, so please do support us and regular donations are of vital importance. They allow us to plan and carry out long-term projects (such as the current expansion project) with the knowledge that our funding is secure. Your gift can make a real difference in this life and the life hereafter.

JazzakAllah Khair

You can make donations in any of the following ways:

Regular monthly payment using Standing Order

Set up a standing order from your bank account to donate a fixed amount on a monthly basis. Doing this cannot be easier.

Download the form.
Enter the amount you wish to donate every month.
Enter your bank address, sort code and bank details.
Sign the form and take it to your bank.

Direct Payment into our Bank Account

You can make a payment directly into our bank account. You have complete control about the amount of money you donate and when.

Account Name: Scunthorpe Central Mosque
Sort Code: 30-97-44
Account Number: 00352749

With Cash

You can donate at the mosque by using one of the collection boxes or in person to the Imaam.